Patron: Her Majesty the Queen (1953-2022)

Honorary Member: HRH King Charles III

Robin Hazlewood VPRI writes…

Of his RI collection this year, Robin Hazlewood VPRI writes:

La Molière, Cevennes 

The Cevennes is a deeply wooded and hilly part of southern France, mostly designated a National Park. The traditional houses are in the main set on terraces, on which onions are grown. What attracted my attention was the appearance of these terraces set against the dense woodland. La Molière is the house of a friend and what I tried to capture in this painting was something of the quality of the dense woodland and the heat of the terraces. 





The chair, Luxembourg Gardens

The Luxembourg Gardens in Paris is a favourite place of mine with its unique, pale green chairs, the dapple from the plane trees, people playing chess, tennis, table tennis, people reading. In this painting, I am trying to evoke the hum that I feel on walking in the Gardens.


Robin’s third painting in the exhibition is ‘Surface of water, Barnes Pond’. It is Barnes Pond where he sits watching the sun go down on summer evenings. The play of light on the surface of the water, the trees and shrubbery catching the light of the low sun, create in him a mood of contemplation.