Patron: His Majesty King Charles III

Honorary Member: His Majesty King Charles III

Chris Myers RI’s collection…

Chris Myers RI writes:

Team Talbot. Le Mans Classic

The Talbot 105 is unique racing car that was developed in the early 1930s by Georges Roesch. Distinctive, not only for its bright green team colour, the 105 was the fastest ever 4 seater sports car to race at Brooklands. And they are still racing! It’s not that common to see all of them together at the same time and the layout of Le Mans allowed me a great view of the team, their colour emphasised by a bright red Aston Martin Ulster. The Le Mans Classic is held every two years and has an amazing atmosphere created not only by the beautiful machines, but also by the enthusiasts who maintain them…I love it.

Communications. Saigon.

There are an incredible amount of motorcycles in Vietnam and Cambodia, around two million in Saigon alone. The streets are full of noise and intense activity and seem chaotic at first glance but there is a unique order to them, a system that all the locals seem to understand. Getting to the other side of the road in the city, without the aid of a pedestrian crossing, is a good example. The volume of traffic, mainly motorbikes isn’t fast but it never stops… you just step out into the moving traffic and they weave around you. Don’t try this in the UK.