If you have enjoyed the 207th exhibition of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours, why not become a fRIend of the RI? We aim to bring together online, painters in watercolour and art lovers who are interested in the medium. For an annual fee of just £30, fRIends receive a selection of the following benefits 3 times a year:
- A newsletter, illustrated throughout, that is packed with articles by members’ covering all aspects of their artistic endeavours, forthcoming exhibitions, and news of talks, demonstrations and workshops (fRIends receive 12% discount on all workshop fees)
- Invitations to Private Views
- Watercolour tutorials by email
- Interviews with members
- Competitions
- Reviews of art materials, books and equipment
- A watercolour helpline by email
Image: a collection of images from past newsletters
To become a fRIend of the RI, please contact fRIends secretary Deborah Walker RI RSMA : deb@walker-art.co.uk