Today is the last day of the 207th exhibition of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours.
With over 400 paintings in the show, members have worked hard to give visitors an exciting and interesting exhibition to view, with painting demonstrations, portfolio reviews, sketchbook sharing, a Winsor & Newton evening and two Painters’ Question Time events. Alongside all of this we have had display of photographs and documents from the extensive RI Archive for the duration of the exhibition and launched the first ever RI book,‘Then and Now’. The RI council would like to thank all of our sponsors for their generosity, all non members who exhibited with us this year and all members who gave their time and expertise during all of the gallery events. We hope that visitors have enjoyed the exhibition, gaining an insight into the wonderful world of water colours!
Between 11am and 4pm Jean Robinson RI will be stewarding the exhibition. You can chat with her about the work and about watercolour painting in general.