David Poxon RI exhibits…

David Poxon RI has been invited to exhibit at the first Penang Watercolour Festival in China. The exhibition will be staged in the prestigious state museum in the Georgetown Unesco world heritage city. The Exhibition runs from 30th April to …

David Poxon RI NWS watercolour workshop in Cornwall…

Spend 2 days in beautiful Cornwall with David Poxon RI NWS  a ‘Watercolour Textures’ workshop    Venue: the Cornwall School of Art in Truro. Suitable for beginners and enthusiasts alike.   Dates: 16th and 17th May 2025.   For further information …

Three RI Worshops Still Available BOOK NOW!

THREE RI WORKSHOPS STILL AVAILABLE! Our RI One-day Workshops that are taking place this Spring during our annual Exhibition at the Mall Galleries are proving to be very popular….two of them are already fully booked.   But three amazing Workshops …